About Us

To become the choice for students in Guangzhou and the Great Bay Area, who seek a college preparatory education with a focus on active learning and compassionate teaching, which gathers students into a small residential community that is strongly rooted in China yet global in its orientation. Through close ties among a diverse group of faculty, staff and classmates, students will be inspired to engage in probing inquiry and creative learning that will enable them to identify and address their intellectual passions.

Pastoral Care

Behavioural Support and Student Discipline

As part of our pastoral philosophy and intentional efforts to help students become well-rounded and principled individuals, we believe discipline must be fair and restorative but also firm. Our student management system combines strict rules and procedures with restorative practices, in order to mentor and guide students when their behaviour requires improvement.

Boarding 2022

The boarding house is a purpose-built facility, located on the ISA Science City campus. It is within easy reach of the Secondary School building and sports facilities. Boarding students reside in large, comfortable, ergonomically-designed rooms.

The House System

The purpose of our house system is to help the students to develop a sense of belonging and pride within our school community. Through the effective implementation of our House System, we aim to create a positive, inclusive school community and culture, with kindness, excellence, respect, and integrity as our core values

Tutor System

One of the most unique features of our school is our tutor system, which ensure the true individualization of care that we provide to our students. Tutors provide advice and guidance to students on a wide range of issues related to shared living and boarding, academic, learning and general wellbeing.

Parent Communication

Our comprehensive parent communication system aims to foster strong relationships of cooperation and mutual understanding between the school and the families.

Contact Us


+86 18520686218
+86 18520057020


Hailong Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou


